The parish council is an essential part of the structure of local democracy and has a vital role in acting on behalf of the local community that it represents.
Parishes are the smallest areas of civil administration in England and parish councils are statutory local authorities set up under the Local Government Act 1972.
Ingleton Parish Council consists of 10 councillors and elections are held every four years. If there are insufficient candidates, members can be co-opted.
Ingleton Parish Council publishes the Minutes of its monthly meetings so that the community can view are raised at council meetings and what items are on the agenda.
Current News
It is with great regret the Parish Council announces that Councillor David McGonnigal passed away over the Christmas period. He will of course be greatly missed, and his contribution to the Council, Community Centre and local community is immense and will not be forgotten.
Ingleborough Community Centre continues its work as a vaccine centre, many thanks to all the help from volunteers, if you think you can help out in any capacity see Jayne Lis at the Community Centre.
A new dirt track has been built on remaining land purchased from NYCC, by volunteers and several Parish Councillors, and is now being used by young local bikers.
The Community Centre which is run jointly by Ingleton Rural Community Association and the Parish Council continues to be the hub of the village The library continues to provide an excellent service thanks mainly to the team of local volunteers.
Other services available at the Centre are a Post Office two days a week and starting in January there will be a Police drop-in Centre, keep your eye on the local notice board for dates and times.
The proposal to reduce the speed limit on the A65 where it passes through Ingleton has been successful and is now set at 30 mph. Ingleton Parish Council would like to thank the Millenium Trust for its £5000 grant and Bibbys Coaches for their donation towards the cost of the implementation of the speed limit change.